Sunday, May 19, 2024

diet diary

 Breakfast. 2 chicken nuggets, sweet sour sauce.  Bacon cheese egg English muffin.

Brown sugar boba tea coconut almond milk

Sunday, April 28, 2024


I had an insomnia Friday were I was up from 5 am to 9 am Saturday. Melatonin tea helped. I don't recall if I twitched, but now my sensations are different and indescribable. The ears still spazam but my heart scare feel is now more a flipflop feeling, and with not as bad muscle twitch. But I don't feel different than when I had no sleep, which is scaring me, but that is a melatonin hangover I guess? So I had maybe 12 hours or sleeping Saturday.  

Tuesday, April 2, 2024


I do not know if it's because I am always upset already, that my startle response is so hyper sensitive. It's so difficult
 I can't calm, bliss put, not care. It's a nightmare 


( April 2nd)New month. So now I have chest pain, nausia and TMJ pain now, and not wake up with it. I do not think I can blame the emergency c drink
I had chicken nuggets and mustard sour cream Swiss Mac and cheese for lunch

Once a month, around the same day(s) I have this. I'm going to have to keep a food diary.  I normal have this the 2nd,3rd,12th,13,th. Although  this time I was sick the 11th and woke up throwing up the 18th.

Monday, April 1, 2024

eh moody

I'm supposed to be tracking my mood that has been plummeting, but I'm unenthusiastic and procrastinating about it.